Recent News From and About WFNB

  • 9 Aug 2023 11:17 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    (le français suivra)

    Music/Musique NB is partnering with Nordicity to create an accurate profile of the New Brunswick industry as well as an up-to-date assessment of music's impact on our provincial economy.

    We need people, from all sectors of the music industry, to fill out our Sound Impact survey: Artists, producers, songwriters, sound engineers, venue managers, educators, booking agents, festival organizers, music store owners, etc.

    Please help us reach as many people as possible by sharing the survey in your networks. For more information, please visit MNB's website.


    Music·Musique NB s'associe à Nordicity pour obtenir un profil précis de l'industrie de la musique au Nouveau-Brunswick, de même qu'une analyse à jour de l'impact de la musique sur notre économie provinciale. 

    Nous avons besoin que les personnes œuvrant dans les divers secteurs de l'industrie de la musique remplissent notre sondage Impact sonore: Artistes, réalisateur·trices, auteur·es-compositeur·trices, ingénieur·es de son, gérant·es de salle, éducateur·trices, agent·es de booking, organisateur·trices de festival, propriétaires de magasin de musique, etc.

    Merci de nous aider à rejoindre autant de gens que possible en partageant le sondage dans vos réseaux. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter le site de MNB.

  • 3 Aug 2023 12:32 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    TORONTO, le 3 août 2023 /CNW/ - Depuis plus de dix ans, depuis qu'une catégorie d'éducation indéfinie a été ajoutée dans le cadre de l'utilisation équitable dans la Loi sur le droit d'auteur, les créateurs et éditeurs canadiens ont été privés de plus de 200 millions de dollars et comptant en redevances gagnées par les écoles primaires et secondaires, les universités et les collèges.

    « Alors que la ministre St-Onge prend les rênes du ministre Rodriguez, s'attaquer à une réforme importante du droit d'auteur doit être une priorité », a déclaré M. Danny Ramadan, président de The Writers' Union of Canada. « Le gouvernement doit agir de toute urgence pour mettre fin à la copie massive, systémique et gratuite des œuvres des créateurs par les établissements d'enseignement hors Québec. »

    En avril 2022, le gouvernement fédéral a reconnu que la Loi sur le droit d'auteur avait brisé le marché canadien de l'édition et s'est engagé à le réparer. Depuis lors, le gouvernement n'a pas pris les mesures nécessaires pour ce faire. Le fait de ne pas agir avec un sentiment d'urgence continue d'avoir un impact négatif sur les éditeurs et les créateurs, ainsi que sur des organisations, notamment Access Copyright, une pièce maîtresse de l'infrastructure culturelle au Canada sur laquelle les créateurs et les éditeurs canadiens comptent pour une juste rémunération de l'utilisation de leur travail.

    « Le ministre Champagne tient la plume sur la politique du droit d'auteur au Canada, et il semble n'écouter que les voix venant du secteur de l'éducation », a déclaré M. Glenn Rollans, président et éditeur de Brush Education et porte-parole de l'Association of Canadian Publishers sur les questions de droit d'auteur. « Après avoir subi plus d'une décennie de copie systématique et injuste par les écoles et les établissements postsecondaires sans autorisation ni compensation, nous comptons sur la ministre St-Onge pour presser le ministre Champagne de défendre les écrivains et les éditeurs canadiens, en plus de représenter nos intérêts. »

    Collectivement et individuellement, le secteur de la création continuera de demander au gouvernement de faire ce qu'il faut, d'autant plus que son inaction continue a causé un tort immense aux créateurs canadiens et fait du Canada un cas à part sur le plan international.

    « Honnêtement, le Canada est une honte internationale sur cette question », a déclaré M. John Degen, directeur général de The Writers' Union of Canada. « Notre gouvernement doit réussir sur ce sujet si nous voulons avoir la moindre chance de nous attaquer à quelque chose comme l'intelligence artificielle qui, si elle est laissée sans contrôle, anéantira ce qui reste du marché de l'édition et de l'écriture au Canada. »

    Nous avons été patients.

    Nous avons compté sur le gouvernement.

    Le temps est compté et nous avons besoin d'une mesure urgente.

    Il existe une solution toute faite pour contrer l'impact dévastateur de l'utilisation équitable en matière d'éducation. Les créateurs et les éditeurs canadiens exhortent le gouvernement fédéral à agir dès aujourd'hui pour qu'il y ait des histoires canadiennes demain.

    Ce communiqué est envoyé au nom des organisations suivantes : Access Copyright, Association of Book Publishers of BC (Books BC), Association of Canadian Publishers, Association of Manitoba Book Publishers, Book Publishers Association of Alberta, Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC), Canadian Publishers' Council, La Société canadienne des auteurs, illustrateurs et artistes pour enfants (CANSCAIP), la Coalition pour la diversité des expressions culturelles, Copibec, Droits d'auteur Arts visuels - CARCC, Literary Press Group of Canada, Manitoba Writers' Guild, Médias d'Info Canada, Playwrights Guild of Canada, Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV), Saskatchewan Writers Guild, SaskBooks, The Writers' Union of Canada, Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois (UNEQ), WritersNL, Writers' Federation of New Brunswick et Writers' Guild of Alberta.

    SOURCE Access Copyright

    Renseignements: Pour les demandes de renseignements des médias : M. Robert Gilbert, Spécialiste des communications et Relations avec les affiliés, Access Copyright,

    Profil de l'entreprise

    Access Copyright

  • 3 Aug 2023 12:31 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    TORONTO [August 3, 2023] – For over ten years now, since an undefined education category was added under fair dealing in the Copyright Act, Canadian creators and publishers have been deprived of over $200 million and counting in earned royalties by elementary and secondary schools, universities and colleges.

    “As Minister St-Onge takes the reins from Minister Rodriguez, tackling meaningful copyright reform must be at the top of her list of priorities,” said Danny Ramadan, Chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada. “The government needs to act urgently to end the mass, systemic, free copying of creators’ works by educational institutions outside of Quebec.”

    In April 2022, the federal government acknowledged that the Copyright Act had broken Canada's publishing marketplace and committed to repairing it. Since then, the government has not taken the meaningful steps required to do so. Failure to act with a sense of urgency continues to negatively impact publishers, creators as well as organizations such as Access Copyright, a key piece of cultural infrastructure that Canadian creators and publishers rely on to be fairly compensated for the use of their work.

    “Minister Champagne holds the pen on copyright policy in Canada, and he appears to listen only to voices coming from the education sector,” said Glenn Rollans, President and Publisher of Brush Education and the spokesperson for the Association of Canadian Publishers on copyright issues. “After suffering more than a decade of systematic, unfair copying by schools and post-secondaries without permission or compensation, we are counting on Minister St-Onge to press Minister Champagne to stand up for Canadian writers and publishers and represent our interests too.”

    Collectively and individually, the creative sector will continue to ask the government to do the right thing, especially as its continued inaction has brought immense harm to Canadian creators and makes Canada an outlier internationally.

    “Quite frankly, Canada is an international embarrassment on this issue,” said John Degen, Chief Executive Officer of The Writers’ Union of Canada. “Our government needs to get this one right if we have any chance of addressing something like artificial intelligence, which, if left unchecked, will eviscerate whatever is left of Canada’s writing and publishing marketplace.”

    We have been patient.

    We have counted on the government.

    We are out of time and need urgent action.

    There is a ready-made solution to address the devastating impact of education fair dealing. Canadian creators and publishers urge the federal government to act today so there will be Canadian stories tomorrow.


    This release is sent on behalf of the following organizations: Access Copyright, Association of Book Publishers of BC (Books BC), Association of Canadian Publishers, Association of Manitoba Book Publishers, Book Publishers Association of Alberta, Canadian Artists’ Representation (CARFAC), Canadian Publishers’ Council, Canadian Society oildren's Authors, Illustrators and Performers (CANSCAIP), Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Copibec, Copyright Visual Artists - CARCC, Literary Press Group of Canada, Manitoba Writers’ Guild, News Media Canada, Playwrights Guild of Canada, Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV), Saskatchewan Writers' Guild, SaskBooks, The Writers’ Union of Canada, Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois (UNEQ), WritersNL, Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick and Writers’ Guild of Alberta.

    For general media inquiries:
    Robert Gilbert, Communications Specialist & Affiliate Relations, Access Copyright,

  • 13 Jul 2023 1:59 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)


    Access Copyright 

    13 juil, 2023, 10:08 ET

    Le conseil d'administration d'Access Copyright a pris la difficile décision de procéder à une rationalisation importante et à une restructuration de l'organisation découlant d'une décennie complète d'inaction du gouvernement en vue de corriger le secteur du marché de la publication.

    TORONTO, le 13 juill. 2023 /CNW/ - En raison des changements des dispositions d'utilisation équitable dans la Loi sur le droit d'auteur, depuis 2012, les rédacteurs, les artistes en arts visuels et les éditeurs canadiens, acteurs essentiels de la culture au Canada, ont été privés de plus de 200 millions de dollars en redevances impayées ayant trait aux tarifs certifiés par la Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada.

    Ces sommes alarmantes font partie des nombreux impacts, y compris les pertes d'emploi et les éditeurs scolaires qui se détournent des marchés primaire, secondaire et postsecondaire, touchant les créateurs et les éditeurs canadiens depuis les modifications de la Loi sur le droit d'auteur canadienne entrées en vigueur en 2012.

    Depuis 2012, les grandes quantités de reproductions sans frais systémiques d'œuvres provenant de créateurs du secteur de l'éducation au Canada, excluant le Québec, ont mené à une réduction de 79 % des redevances aux titulaires de droits d'auteur de la part d'Access Copyright.

    Cela a également mené à un effacement d'Access Copyright, pourtant une pièce maîtresse de l'infrastructure culturelle au Canada sur laquelle les créateurs et les éditeurs canadiens comptent pour une juste rémunération de l'utilisation de leur travail.

    « L'abandon des créateurs et des éditeurs canadiens est un fléau pour notre pays et une honte sur la scène internationale », précise John Degen, directeur général de The Writers' Union of Canada. « Lorsque la Loi sur le droit d'auteur a été modifiée afin d'inclure une exception relative à l'utilisation équitable pour le secteur de l'éducation, les Libéraux, alors parti d'opposition, avaient exprimé une vive inquiétude à propos du fait que cela serait vraisemblablement exploité aux dépens des créateurs. Ils avaient raison, c'est exactement ce qui s'est produit. Le gouvernement avait promis à maintes reprises de corriger les lacunes de la Loi, mais nous attendons toujours de réels changements. Pendant ce temps, un marché d'importance est sur la voie de disparaître, emportant avec lui des pans entiers de l'histoire canadienne. » 

    Dans le budget 2022 du gouvernement fédéral, ce dernier faisait la promesse « d'assurer la durabilité du secteur de l'édition de livres éducatifs, ce qui [comprenait] une rémunération équitable pour les créateurs et les titulaires de droits d'auteur, ainsi qu'un marché moderne et novateur qui puisse servir efficacement les utilisateurs de droits d'auteur ». Cette promesse était une reconnaissance directe des répercussions négatives associées aux modifications de la Loi sur le droit d'auteur en 2012 et de la nécessité de mesures législatives pour les corriger.

    Les créateurs partout au pays continuent d'attendre que le gouvernement respecte ses engagements, et le marché de l'édition de livres éducatifs continue de s'appauvrir.

    « La nouvelle regrettable, quoique prévisible, concernant la restructuration organisationnelle d'Access Copyright est un témoignage de l'incertitude vis-à-vis du respect des promesses du gouvernement fédéral de corriger notre marché défaillant », précise Jack Illingworth, directeur administratif de l'Association of Canadian Publishers. « Nous ne pouvons plus attendre que le gouvernement agisse pour soutenir ceux sur qui nous comptons pour raconter notre histoire. »

    « La nouvelle de la restructuration d'Access Copyright est catastrophique pour les éditeurs littéraires du Canada, en particulier compte tenu du fait qu'il existe des solutions permettant de régler en grande partie l'ambiguïté actuelle pour un traitement équitable et pour clarifier ce qu'on entend par une juste rémunération pour le travail des créateurs », indique Laura Rock Gaughan, directrice administrative de Literary Press Group of Canada. « Le gouvernement doit agir pour les créateurs et les éditeurs canadiens. Le temps est compté. »

    « Les établissements d'enseignement du Québec, contrairement au reste du Canada, ont conservé leurs droits. Toutefois, les créateurs et les éditeurs de la province n'ont pas été épargnés par les répercussions économiques des changements apportés à la Loi sur le droit d'auteur de 2012 », affirme Christian Laforce, directeur général de Copibec. « Nous nous joignons à nos compatriotes des autres provinces et demandons au gouvernement fédéral de réparer cette injustice avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. »

    Access Copyright continue d'exhorter le gouvernement fédéral à collaborer avec l'organisation et le secteur afin d'empêcher un effondrement et d'éviter les difficultés que cela pourrait présenter pour les rédacteurs, les artistes en arts visuels et les éditeurs. 

    À propos d'Access Copyright

    Depuis plus de 30 ans, Access Copyright facilite l'utilisation de contenu à des fins éducatives ou professionnelles. Access Copyright a aidé les gens à utiliser de manière personnalisée du contenu publié, avec l'assurance que les créateurs initiaux et les éditeurs en tirent également les avantages associés et continuent de créer ou de diffuser des œuvres nouvelles et innovantes. Cela est essentiel pour une culture vigoureuse au Canada, sans négliger toutes les personnes qui dépendent des publications de qualité.

    SOURCE Access Copyright

  • 13 Jul 2023 1:57 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)


    Access Copyright 

    13 Jul, 2023, 10:08 ET

    Access Copyright's Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to initiate a significant downsizing and restructuring of the organization due to the federal government's decade-long inaction in fixing Canada's publishing marketplace.

    TORONTO, July 13, 2023 /CNW/ - Due to changes in fair dealing provisions in the Copyright Act, since 2012, Canadian writers, visual artists, and publishers - an indispensable part of Canada's culture - have been deprived of over $200 million in unpaid royalties under tariffs certified by the Copyright Board of Canada.

    This staggering figure is among the many impacts, including job losses and several educational publishers stepping away from the K-12 or post-secondary markets, that have hit Canadian creators and publishers since amendments to Canada's Copyright Act were enacted in 2012.

    The mass, systemic free copying of creators' works by Canada's education sector outside of Quebec since 2012 has led to Access Copyright's total distributions to rightsholders dropping by 79%.

    It has also led to the start of the hollowing out of Access Copyright - a key piece of Canada's cultural infrastructure that Canadian creators and publishers rely on to be fairly compensated for the use of their work.

    "The abandonment of Canadian creators and publishers is a blight on our country, and an international embarrassment," says John Degen, CEO of The Writers' Union of Canada. "When the Copyright Act was amended to include a fair-dealing exception for education, the Liberals in opposition then expressed deep concern that it was likely to be exploited at the expense of creators. They were right; that's exactly what happened. The government has promised to fix the gaps in the Act many times, but we are still waiting for meaningful change. In the meantime, a key market has disappeared and, with it, countless Canadian stories." 

    The government's 2022 federal budget promise "to ensure a sustainable educational publishing industry, including fair remuneration for creators and copyright holders, as well as a modern and innovative marketplace that can efficiently serve copyright users" was a direct acknowledgment of the harm that the 2012 changes to the Copyright Act have caused and the need for legislative action to repair it.

    Creators nationally continue to wait for the government to make good on its commitment, and the marketplace for a viable Canadian educational publishing industry continues to dry up.

    "The regrettable, albeit predictable, news that Access Copyright's Board is initiating a restructuring of the organization means that we are down to the wire for the federal government to make good on its promise to repair our broken marketplace," said Jack Illingworth, executive director of the Association of Canadian Publishers. "We can't wait any longer for the government to do what is needed to support those we rely on to tell our stories."

    "The news that Access Copyright is downsizing is devastating to Canadian literary publishers, especially as there are solutions at the ready that would meaningfully address the current ambiguity in fair dealing and add clarity to fair compensation for the use of creators' works," said Laura Rock Gaughan, executive director of the Literary Press Group of Canada. "The federal government must stand up for Canadian creators and publishers. We are out of time."

    "While Quebec's educational institutions, unlike the rest of Canada, continue to be licensed, creators and publishers in the province have not been immune to the devastating economic impact of the 2012 changes to the Copyright Act," said Christian Laforce, general manager of Copibec. "We join others across Canada in urging the federal government to address this long-standing injustice before it is too late."

    Access Copyright continues to urge the federal government to work with the organization and the sector to prevent its collapse and avoid the harm that is on the horizon for the writers, visual artists and publishers it represents.

    About Access Copyright

    For over 30 years, Access Copyright has facilitated content use for educational and professional purposes. Access Copyright has helped people make customized use of published materials combined with an assurance that the original creators and publishers also benefit, so that they can continue creating new and innovative works. This is vitally important to a strong Canadian culture and to all who rely on quality publications.

    SOURCE Access Copyright

  • 11 Jul 2023 2:03 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Writers' Trust of Canada has been central to the literary health of the country for almost fifty years. Founded by writers for writers, the organization supports authors at all stages of their careers and celebrates good work and fellowship. It is a huge booster of culture in Canada.    

    As an author, I benefited from the attention of Writers' Trust in my career. As Executive Director for the past four years, I've worked with the staff, board of directors, and donors to widen and deepen how the organization can help the community it was created to serve. 

    I will be leaving my position at the end of 2023. This was a difficult decision for me to make, and I will miss everything about the work, the people, and the mission. I look forward to working with my successor during the transition. The board has established a search committee and hired Boyden to lead the search. They will be taking the summer to speak with potential candidates about the role. Here is a link to the job posting:

    The next Executive Director will take over a dynamic and growing organization with a superb staff and a strong board of directors. I have no doubt Writers' Trust will continue to thrive for decades to come. 

    With best wishes, 

    Charlie Foran, CM

  • 21 Jun 2023 11:58 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    June 12, 2023

    The Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association is recruiting a tech-savvy, detail-oriented, individual to fulfill the role of Project Coordinator in our Halifax office. We are seeking a candidate with significant work experience who can multi-task, take initiative, and quickly adapt and learn new skills required for a variety of special projects to promote local books and publishing in Atlantic Canada.

    The Special Projects Coordinator provides a wide range of support for members and management for APMA projects as well as general organizational activities.

    Who We Are

    The APMA is an industry support organization representing 38 book publishers located in Atlantic Canada. The publishers in Atlantic Canada believe a vigorous Atlantic-owned-and-controlled book publishing industry is essential to the economic, cultural, educational and social life of Atlantic Canada.

    The APMA works towards growing and maintaining a strong Canadian-owned book publishing industry in Atlantic Canada. The APMA coordinates promotional projects such as the Atlantic Books Holiday Gift Guide, the Best Atlantic-Published Book Award and Pitch the Publisher, in addition to organizing professional development sessions and industry growth projects for its members. They publish Atlantic Books Today, a bi-annual full-colour magazine that brings readers across Atlantic Canada the latest book news, features, excerpts, reviews and so much more, as well as running, a webstore and hub for all things related to Atlantic Canadian books and authors. The APMA employs an Executive Director, Administrative Assistant, Special Projects Coordinator, and Content Manager as well as several contractors who support the delivery of our marketing and projects. Our office is open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Thursday, excluding statutory holidays, and our Executive Director works from home on Fridays.

    Job Description

    The Special Projects Coordinator is responsible for coordinating multiple ongoing and ad-hoc special projects of the association as well as assisting with the day-to-day operations of the association whererequired. Direct reports include multiple contractors and stakeholders requiring supervision and direction. The Special Projects Coordinator reports to the Executive Director. This is an in-person position with remote elements (fully remote applicants may be accepted depending on experience) at 30 hours per week (Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm) and $21.00 per hour. This is a 14 month maternity leave position beginning July 2023 (appr eight weeks of training + twelve month mat leave).

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

    General Office Duties (30%)

    • Grant and report writing for all special projects
    • Budgeting and financial reporting for all special projects
    • Member outreach and communications:

    ○ Writing and circulating a monthly member newsletter

    ○ Coordinating member portal website section of website (funding permitting)

    ○ Maintaining relevant member correspondence

    • Executive support for Executive Director
    • Managing library communications
    • Coordinating the APMA Best Atlantic-Published Book Award Jury

    Website management (5%)

    • Coordinating with web development team for
    • Overseeing in-office day-to-day website operations and custom development to ensure the website is functioning correctly for tasks performed by the administrative assistant such as uploading new book collections

    Special Projects (65%) which include (but are not limited to):

    • Digital book and accessibility projects, including Books by Heart and #ReadAtlantic public library eBook/audiobook projects in 2023-24.
    • Atlantic Books in Classrooms (ABC)
    • East Bound Conference and Professional Development
    • Bookseller Initiative (funding permitting)

    ○ Although the annual Holiday Campaign is not typically a special project since it runs each year, in 2023 there may be a special webstore and web development element added to the Holiday Campaign through the Canada Book Fund’s Bookseller Initiative, with which the Special Projects Coordinator would assist the Executive Director.

    This is a varied position, which touches all aspects of APMA’s programs and operations. Every day will be different!

    Skills, Knowledge, Education, and Experience

    Education and Experience

    • Post-secondary degree
    • Minimum of 2 years in an office environment
    • Minimum of 1 year project management experience
    • Non-profit experience an asset

    Specialized Knowledge

    • Office and project management
    • Business communications
    • Event planning and delivery


    • You have a meticulous eye for detail, strong numeracy skills, and experience developing and/or

    managing budgets.

    • You have successfully managed projects from start to finish, reliably organizing your time to

    ensure deadlines are met, and can prioritize competing tasks.

    • You have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and are comfortable working

    independently and as part of a team in a hybrid working environment.

    • You have experience writing grant applications and reports
    • You are familiar with basic bookkeeping principles
    • Communication skills in French an asset
    • You are experienced and comfortable using the following programs:

    o WordPress and WooCommerce

     Menus

     Widgets

     Pages

     Posts

     Custom plugins

    o MailChimp

    o Microsoft Office Suite (with advanced proficiency in Excel)

    o Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok

    o Meta (Facebook) Business Suite

    o Canva

    o Adobe Creative Suite

    • You are familiar with the following programs (or comfortable with quickly learning how to use new programs)

    o Ace by DAISY epub checker

    o OverDrive and Libby


    o SAGE accounting software

    How to Apply

    Please submit a cover letter and resume by Friday, June 30, 2023, to

    Candidates may be asked to perform an administrative skills test. Interviews will be scheduled in early to mid July, with a target start date of mid to late July 2023, to allow for appr. eight weeks of training.

    The APMA is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. We encourage applications from candidates who are members of underserved and underrepresented communities, including BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, people living with dis/ability, and others. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

  • 20 Jun 2023 10:53 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    ArtsLink is pleased to invite you to meet the artists of this year’s Cross-Cultural Creation Residency hosted by Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective in collaboration with L’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB) and ArtsLink NB at Open Studio Day and BBQ on June 24, 2023.

    Join eight artists from the province’s three largest cultural groups: Indigenous, Francophone, and Anglophone, as they share their work from an inspiring week of connecting and collaboration in this place-based experience, steeped in the history of a “village of 30 centuries,” at Metepenagiag Heritage Park.

    Learn about the creative process from some of the most fascinating artists in NB and grab some grub while enjoying the beautiful and nourishing surroundings of  Metepenagiag Heritage Park. We hope to see you there! 

    Open Studio Day and BBQ

    Saturday, June 24, 12pm - 4pm

    Metepenagiag Heritage Park

    2156 Micmac Road, Red Bank NB

    E9E 2P2

    The artists are as follows:

    Natasha Sacobie, visual arts, quillwork

    Mel Beaulieu, mixed media, beadwork

    Guillaume Adjutor Provost, interdisciplinary visual artist, sculpture, woodcarving

    Lucie Quintal, textile and fibre artist

    Sarah Brideau, writer

    Carol Collicutt, mixed media artist, sculpture

    Ashley Henwood, visual arts, painting, drawing, sculpture

    Jenna Lyn Albert, poet

  • 19 Jun 2023 3:57 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)
    Dear Readers,  
    The Editorial Board of the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick (JNBS/RÉNB) is pleased to announce the release of Covid-19 in New Brunswick: Hope, Safety, Resiliency, and Creativity, guest edited by Dr. Christina Ionescu (Mount Allison University).  
    The new issue may be accessed here: 
    JNBS/RÉNB is an online, multidisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed research about New Brunswick in English and French. The only such journal of its kind in New Brunswick, JNBS/RÉNB is a forum for ideas and debate about the province and its place in wider Canadian and global contexts. Our aim is to publish thoughtful writing that engages a broad readership in ongoing conversations about the province. 
    For more information about the journal, please contact  
    Chers lecteurs, chères lectrices,   
    Le comité éditorial de la Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick/Journal of New Brunswick Studies (RÉNB/JNBS) est heureux de vous annoncer la mise en ligne de son plus récent numéro : "LA COVID-19 AU NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK : ESPOIR, SÉCURITÉ, RÉSILIENCE ET CRÉATIVITÉ”" de l’éditrice invitée Dr. Christina Ionescu (Mount Allison University).
    Vous pouvez y accéder en vous rendant à :  
    RÉNB JNBS est une revue électronique bilingue (anglais-français), consacrée à la diffusion de travaux de recherche et de commentaires rédigés au sujet de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick. Unique en son genre au Nouveau-Brunswick, JNBS/RÉNB vise à devenir une tribune pour des idées et des débats ayant trait à la province et à son rôle dans le contexte élargi du Canada et sur la scène mondiale. 
    Pour de plus amples renseignements au sujet de  la revue, veuillez écrire à:
    Best wishes,
    Dr. Michael Boudreau
    Editor/Éditeur - Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick (JNBS/RÉNB
    Dr. Michael Boudreau
    Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
    St. Thomas University
    51 Dineen Drive
    Fredericton, New Brunswick
    E3B 5G3
    (506) 452-0501
    Editor/Éditeur - Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick (JNBS/RÉNB
    St. Thomas University is situated on the traditional territory of the Welastekwiyik (Maliseet) whose ancestors along with the Mi'kmaq and Passamaquoddy Nations signed Peace and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s.

  • 15 Jun 2023 2:51 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)
    • Take some time for yourself this summer to help move your writing forward with two live writing workshops. Each session will take place in Caissie Cape, NB.
      These workshops are for aspiring writers who are looking to sell their writing, or anyone who wants to learn how to leverage their expertise — i.e. coaches, speakers, and workshop leaders looking to expand their reach, promote services, increase credibility, and create multiple streams of income. (If you have enough content for a weekend workshop, you have enough for a book.)

    • 1. A Life in PJs: How to sell your writing without leaving the house

      Learn how to find story ideas; create a niche; target and pitch markets (print/online); and more. June 18th, 10-5 / $149.99 plus HST (Sign up for both and pay only $99.99 each!)

      2. Selling Your Expertise: Write a nonfiction book (or e-book)

      Learn how to brainstorm ideas; determine the best idea to develop; and create an outline through fun, targeted exercises to help you write your book easily. You’ll also learn how to write a book proposal to target the right agent or editor should you wish to publish traditionally. July 9th, 10-5 / $149.99 plus HST (Sign up for both and pay only $99.99 each!)

      Bio: Wendy Kitts is a professional freelance writer with over 20 years’ experience. She’s written over 200 articles for publications such as Saltscapes, the Globe & Mail, Readers’ Digest, and the LA Times and is the author of eight traditionally-published nonfiction booksTo learn more go to: or email  

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Territorial Acknowledgement

The Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick acknowledges that the land on which we live, work and gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples, and we honour the spirit of our ancestors’ Treaties of Peace and Friendship. 

"Writers' Federation of New Brunswick" is a registered non-profit organization. New Brunswick, Canada. 

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