Recent News From and About WFNB

  • 31 Oct 2022 12:07 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Date:    Wednesday, November 23, 1 - 3 pm

    Venue:  Room 201, Brian Mulroney Hall, St. Thomas University

    In this workshop Oddgeir Synnes will give an introduction to creative writing in later life based on his vast experience from giving courses in creative writing for older adults in various settings. Attention will be given to a presentation of texts written by participants and reflections on how the access to various literary forms and genres might open for aesthetic and existential meaning making that can involve affirmation and dignity. The workshop will also engage the participants through several exercises of creative writing that can give an increased understanding of what the method might have to offer.

    Oddgeir Synnes is visiting chair in gerontology at St. Thomas University Fredericton and associate professor at VID Specialized University in Oslo, Norway. Synnes is a literary scholar and has for many years worked in uses of literature and creative writing in later life and in health care contexts. He has led courses in creative among older adults, including at municipal libraries, in nursing homes and in dementia care. He has also worked with creative writing in mental health and in palliative care. His PhD comprises an analysis of poems and stories from creative writing in palliative care. Synnes has published extensiveley on various forms of storytelling and writing in the mentioned contexts. His latest book is A Poetic Language of Ageing (with Olga V. Lehmann – Bloomsbury Academic, forthcoming

    Registration Fee: $5.00 for Third Age Centre members, $10.00 for non-TAC members

    To Register Call Carol Alvarez at Third Age Centre   506-452-0526 ... or email

  • 7 Oct 2022 12:13 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Selling Your Expertise Series:
    A Life in PJs: How to Sell Your Writing and Quit Your Day Job

    Wendy Kitts

    Do you dream of being a writer but don’t know how to start? Do you long for a career where you can skip the morning commute, work the hours you want, or work in your pajamas all day? Maybe you’re addicted to travel and looking for a way to feed your habit. Or maybe you just want to do something that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. A career as a freelance writer can provide the freedom you’re longing for and an income limited only by how much you want to work. And the best part—you can do it from anywhere in the world—all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection.

    Learn how to find story ideas, create a niche, target and pitch the right market (print or online) and more, from Wendy Kitts, author and freelance writer of 20+ years. Wendy has written over 200 articles for publications such as the LA Times, the Globe & Mail, Readers’ Digest, and Saltscapes and does something most writers only dream of—supports herself with her writing.

    This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn how to leverage their expertise — especially coaches, speakers, and workshop leaders looking to expand their reach, increase their credibility, and create another stream of income.

    Saturday, October 29 / 10-4 Atlantic time, online

    Limited enrollment to ensure maximum time for everyone to discuss their ideas.

    $149 plus HST. Early bird price of $99 if registered by October 20th.

    Email Wendy at for details.

  • 5 Oct 2022 10:36 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    While the goal of capturing the government’s attention about the urgent need to fulfill their budget commitment remains their top priority, Access Copyright's Day of Action--that was planned for October 6th--has been postponed.  

    They are grateful, as always, for your help and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this change of plans may cause.

    In the meantime, Access Copyright will continue to work on ensuring that the federal government knows that creators and publishers cannot wait any longer for them to pass copyright legislation that will restore fair payment.

  • 28 Sep 2022 11:13 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    On Thursday, October 6, Access Copyright will launch a Day of Action to say it’s time to fix the Copyright Act.

    Access Copyright needs as many as possible to take part on October 6 and visit the I Value Canadian Stories website to send a letter to Minister Champagne, and also join the conversation on social media. To help fuel this effort, we hope that you will heartily encourage your members, as you’ve done so many times before, to take action and add their voice.

    Below is a sample message that you are free to use and/or adapt for your membership. For maximum impact, we hope you can send this message to your membership by September 29. We will also send a message to you on October 5 with a secondary message to please send to your members on October 6.


    Dear Member: With Parliament now back for its fall session, it’s critical that the 2022 federal budget commitment to fix the Copyright Act be top of mind as the government identifies its key priorities for the coming months.

    The I Value Canadian Stories coalition is launching a Day of Action on Thursday, October 6 to help ensure that the government lives up to its promise to restore fair compensation to creators and publishers as part of a sustainable educational marketplace.

    Creators and publishers have been waiting ten years for this issue to be resolved.

    While we applaud the budget commitment made last spring, we know that we still have a substantial hill to climb to get the job done and finally fix the Copyright Act. We can’t wait any longer. That’s why we heartily encourage each of you to get involved on October 6.

    Here’s how:

    On October 6, visit the I Value Canadian Stories website. The website will have easy-to-use, built-in tools to:

    • SEND A LETTER: Enter your name and email address to send a letter to Minister Champagne urging them to take immediate action to fix Canada’s Copyright Act.
    • SPREAD THE WORD: Join the conversation by sharing a message on social media to further press the federal government to support Canadian creators and publishers and/or to encourage others to send a letter too.

    Your actions on October 6 to make your voice heard will make sure that the federal government hears loud and clear that Canada’s creator and publisher community are collectively holding them accountable to their commitment.

    Robert Gilbert (he/him/his)
    Communications Specialist and Affiliate Relations
    Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency

  • 21 Sep 2022 12:30 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Join The Fiddlehead on October 27 at 7:00 pm ADT for the launch of the autumn issue! The event will take place at the Milham Room in UNB's Harriet Irving Library and on Zoom for those who can't attend in person. The event will feature readings by Corinna Chong, Jenny Hwang, Tolo Oloruntoba and Fawn Parker.

    Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided, and the best part? Registration is Free! Just email with your name and whether or not you require ASL services.

    As per UNB policy face masks will be mandatory when not eating and drinking.

    Event link:

  • 2 Sep 2022 10:52 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    The Arts Atlantic Symposium is a three-day multidisciplinary arts conference and festival, taking place in Saint John, NB, October 21-23, 2022.
    The theme of the symposium, developed by ArtsLink and the AAS keynote speaker Mireille Eagan, is FUTURE POSSIBLE. We recognize that the past few years have caused fundamental changes for many artists and art organizations. We would like the AAS to address questions like: How has this time given rise to new ways of seeing, thinking, and doing? What choices will we make now about reconnecting, about how we spend our time? How will we choose our creative partners and our audiences? How does the possibility of hybrid experiences in a digital era inform our creative approaches, breaking down barriers between physical location and artistic disciplines?

    On behalf of ArtsLink NB, I would like to invite you to participate in the Symposium. Registration is now open and available here. We have a discounted rate available for organizations who would like to purchase three or more tickets. We also have a limited number of tickets available for professional artists or artists requiring financial assistance at a subsidized rate of $65. All details are on our registration page. 

  • 10 Aug 2022 11:26 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)


    A Life in PJs: How to Sell Your Writing

    Do you dream of being a writer but don’t know how to start? Do you long for a career where you can skip the morning commute, work the hours you want, or work in your pajamas all day? Maybe you’re addicted to travel and looking for a way to feed your habit? Or maybe you just want to do something that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning? A career as a freelance writer can provide the freedom you’re longing for and an income limited only by how much you want to work. And the best part—you can do it from anywhere in the world—all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection.

    Learn how to find story ideas, create a niche, target and pitch the right market (print or online), and more from Wendy Kitts, a professional freelance writer of 20+ years. Wendy’s written over 200 articles for publications such as Saltscapes, the Globe & Mail, Readers’ Digest, and the LA Times and does something most writers only dream of—supports herself with her writing.

    Selling Your Expertise: Write a Nonfiction Book or E-book

    Do you have an idea for a book but don't know where to start? Or maybe you want to write a book, but you don't have an idea? Or maybe you have ideas out the wazoo, but not sure which one is the best? Writing an informational book or e-book can establish you as an expert, create instant credibility, and provide another stream of income, especially for coaches, speakers, and workshop facilitators. Learn how to come up with or develop ideas and create a detailed outline so writing is as simple as filling in the blanks, as well as the steps for an effective book proposal and the submission process if you wish to attract an agent or editor from Wendy Kitts, author of eight traditionally-published nonfiction books.

    Right from the Heart: Write the Intuitive Way

    Do you want to write but can’t seem to get your words onto the page? When you sit down to do it, does even cleaning the toilet seem more appealing? Do you dream of writing full-time but afraid you’ll go broke? Limiting beliefs can strangle your creativity and stop you before you even get started. Get out of your head and into your heart and write from a place that doesn’t know the meaning of writers’ block, that doesn’t worry how to pay the rent, and always trusts the perfect words will flow as easily as the money.

    Learn how to identify and release beliefs around writing and write (and edit) by accessing the writer within by exploring processes like EFT (tapping), visualization, and channeling with intuitive writing guide Wendy Kitts.

    For more info go to or email Wendy at

  • 9 Aug 2022 2:09 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Comme vous le savez peut-être, la Bibliothèque du Parlement a lancé un appel de mises en candidature afin de trouver la 10e poète officielle ou le 10e poète officiel du Parlement. La date limite pour la mise en candidature a récemment été reportée au 4 septembre 2022. J’espère que vous pouvez nous aider à partager la nouvelle.

    Nous sommes à la recherche de poètes qui travaillent principalement en français. Les mises en candidatures peuvent être soumises par un membre d’une association littéraire ou d’écrivains ou par les auteurs intéressés eux-mêmes. De plus amples informations au sujet du programme et du processus de mise en candidature se retrouvent sur le site Web du poète officiel(le) du Parlement.

    Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi. Je vous remercie pour votre appui pour trouver le prochain ou la prochaine poète officiel(le) du Parlement.


    As you may know, the Library of Parliament is seeking nominations for the role of 10th Parliamentary Poet Laureate. The deadline for the nomination period was recently extended to September 4, 2022 and I am hoping you can help us spread the word.

    We are seeking poets who predominantly work in French. Nominations can be submitted by a member of a literary or writing organization or directly by interested candidates. More information about the program and the nomination process can be found on the Parliamentary Poet Laureate website.

  • 8 Aug 2022 10:55 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    The Fiddlehead's 2022 Fiction Contest is now open and we're excited to announce that Chris Benjamin will be judging this year's submissions! There will be one prize of $2000 for the winning story and the deadline for submissions is September 1 2022. Check out the contest submission guidelines for more information!

  • 5 Aug 2022 3:47 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Applications for ArtsLink NB's CATAPULT Arts Accelerator for the Fall 2022 session will open on Monday, August 8th, and the deadline to receive applications is September 5th.

    Please share with any artists in your networks who you think would be interested in or benefit from this program.

    CATAPULT Arts Accelerator gives New Brunswick artists the tools to be prolific and build sustainable careers. Over an 8-week period, CATAPULT participants receive training in fundamental entrepreneurial skills like business modelling, marketing, branding, financial planning, and exporting. Guest speakers and facilitators for the CATAPULT workshops are drawn both from the business and professional art community.

    Participants also receive one-on-one coaching from the program coordinator and formal mentorships from individuals operating at the top of their field.

    The Fall 2022 session will be a hybrid of online sessions and in-person meetings in Saint John, NB. The program will run on Friday evenings and full days on Saturday from September 24th to November 27th.

    The full application details are here:

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The Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick acknowledges that the land on which we live, work and gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples, and we honour the spirit of our ancestors’ Treaties of Peace and Friendship. 

"Writers' Federation of New Brunswick" is a registered non-profit organization. New Brunswick, Canada. 

© 2021 Writers' Federation of New Brunswick

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