The Fundamentals of Poetry - Discussion one - with Roger Moore
Online via Zoom.
Bundle Offer
If you would like to attend all three poetry sessions - the first by Roger Moore in December, Kathy Mac in January, and Matthew Gwathmey in February (check out their event pages) - we'll offer a bundle price of $60 for members, $100 for non-members. Contact us at for more details. All sessions will be recorded, so if you have to miss one, you can still review it later.
Last fall, one of our members suggested offering a set of workshops focusing on poetry basics for those new to the discipline, and since poetry is such a broadly popular art form across our membership (and in the province, it seems, given our history of wonderful poets), we thought a set of three stimulating discussions for both brand-new and seasoned poets would warm up your winter!
New Brunswick poet, novelist and short story writer Roger Moore will kick off our three-workshop unit on December 12 from 7 to 9 pm. All three workshops will be conducted via zoom, and as always, a recording of the session will be available afterward for participant review.
Find the workshop description and Roger's bio below.
Brief Description of Workshop
The Fundamentals of Poetry – UNIT 1
Presented by Roger Moore
This will be a highly interactive workshop. It will not lay down any rules along the lines of ‘Do this to be successful’. Rather, it will invite each participant, through a series of philosophical prompts and questions, to work out, for themselves, their own solutions to the problems of writing creatively in response to this ever-changing world of ours.
1. Introduction of Facilitator and direction of workshop
2. First and foremost, we will establish how many Fundamentals of Poetry a poet can handle.
3. We will then look at three specific theories of poetry
a Mikhail Bakhtin – Theory of Chronotopos
b Johannes Pfeiffer – Two contrasting theories
c Milton Acorn – Philosophy of Jackpine Sonnets
4. Then, via a series of prompts, we will examine our own creative relationship to the current world and the written word.
5.Next, we will look at various ways of re-creating the world around us in tune with our own philosophical outlooks and personal writing needs.
6. Finally, each participant will establish for themselves their own personal short-list of the most important fundamentals that they can use in their own writing.
Participants will need to bring several things to this workshop:
(1) an open mind,
(2) pen or pencil and paper, and
(3) a willingness to participate and share.
About Roger Moore -- BA [Bristol], MA, PhD [Toronto], Professor Emeritus (STU) -- is an award-winning teacher (3M NTF, 2000) and researcher (member of the consejo honorífico [La Perinola], and a corresponding member of IGDA [Avila, Spain]). Poet, novelist, and short-story writer, he possesses a Certificate in Creative Writing from Humber College (Toronto). Born in Swansea, the same town as Dylan Thomas, he emigrated from Wales to Canada in 1966. He has lived in Fredericton, New Brunswick, since 1971, and in Island View since 1989. His writing accolades include, among others, finalist in the CBC short story competition (1987 and 2010), the WFNB Bailey Award (poetry, 1989 & 1993), and WFNB Richards Award (prose, 2020). In the course of his literary career, he has published over fifty books and chapbooks of poetry and prose, and more than 200 of his poems and short stories have appeared in 30 Canadian magazines and literary reviews. Roger has attended many workshops on writing over the years and owes a particular debt to the Maritime Writers’ Workshops, offered by UNB, and the WFNB writer’s workshops, several of which he has led. A long-term member of the WFNB, he has also belonged to the LCP (Atlantic Provinces Director 1990-1993) as well as TWUC. He was the first writer in residence at KIRA (Kingsbrae International Residencies for Artists, June, 2017) and was the first returning KIRA Alumnus (May-June, 2021).
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