Welcome to May Open Mic Night via Zoom!
Swéete April showers,
Doo spring Maie flowers - Thomas Tusser, Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandri, 1557
Nowadays, May is not only the month for tulips and daffodils, but it's the month to appreciate mothers, and the long weekend of Queen Victoria's birthday, when afterward, plants are thought to be safe from frost. The garden centers overflow with excited landscapers.
So with May comes cheerier weather, Sunday brunch (Eggs Benedict, for me, please) and the freshness of turned earth.
With all that to look forward to, we hope you will still make time for May Open Mic via zoom. The participants thus far have brought a diversity of work and have shared it most generously.
We have an ongoing opportunity to share the recordings of our open mic events on 107.3 FM in Saint John, the UNBSJ/community station. Anyone who'd like to participate in the reading, but not in the public broadcast, can be edited out. Airing these events does increase and enhance the profile of WFNB, as well as that of our readers. But we certainly understand if you'd prefer to keep it just between us. We will be adding the recorded live readings to our members-only section--if you'd like to be edited out of any of them, just say the word.
Poetry, prose, screenplay--even songs. Whatever is keeping your creative juices flowing through these extended restrictions, we wanna hear it! You know the drill: a maximum of 15 readers, with five minutes each to read. Just want to listen? The public can register as audience only. Looking forward to hearing you all on Saturday, May 7.