Hello Friends and Members 
As I write this, it’s only August 9. I’m setting up my portion of Inkspot a little early because I’m headed out on vacation. Nothing fancy, just visits to my favourite Maritime communities and natural places. While I’m away, check out what’s on the horizon
Upcoming WFNB Events, News, and Requests
Summer Retreat Cancelled
The summer retreat we planned for August 23-25, was unfortunately cancelled, as we didn’t fill the necessary spots to provide catering services. But! We secured the Winter retreat date: January 17 - 19, at the Villa Madonna. Refunds to those who had already reserved their spot can be expected next week, when I’m back in the office.
Final Frances Peck Workshop Coming Soon!
September 10, Frances Peck will return to complete her three-workshop series for us with an online informal discussion about publishing called, “From Editor to Author: A Journey in Several Parts.” Come prepared with your questions about the publishing industry, the writing process, marketing - whatever interests you.
For three decades, Frances Peck was a successful behind-the-scenes wordsmith, working on other people’s publications as an editor, ghostwriter, and rewriter. She has also taught over 10,000 people how to get better at editing and writing. Then she decided it was time to return to her youthful passion—writing fiction.
In this webinar, Frances will recount her journey from hidden editor to published author, discuss the delicate dance of creativity and editing, and field questions on writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. Check out the event page.
WordsFall 2024
Plans are underway for WordsFall in Sussex, October 25-27. You can register on the event page now. Rooms have been reserved for us at the Amsterdam Inn (which you can reserve now - $129 for a single and $139 for a double). You have one month to decide, because the fixed cut off date for reserved rooms is September 9.
Our readings and workshops will take place at the AX Gallery, the Amsterdam Inn, The Mule Bar and Grill, and Golden Jubilee Hall.
We have some great sessions lined up: On Saturday morning, Carlos Anthony will return to teach a class on writing successful Canada Council grants, and there will be other workshops to choose from led by these wonderful Maritime authors: Charlene Carr, Kelly Cooper, Brandon Mitchell, Fawn Parker, and Zev Bagel.
If you write nonfiction, historical fiction, or you’re just a history buff, we hope a guided tour of the Hussars Museum in Sussex will be fun and interesting for you. And as always, if you can’t take in the whole weekend, you can pick and choose what to attend. It will be great to see you at our fall gathering!
NB Book Awards Announces Fifth Award!
If you’ve been following our social media pages, you’ll know that we’ve added a fifth award to the NB Book Awards: The Books for Young Readers Award, generously sponsored by JD Irving Ltd.
Submissions for the calendar year 2024 are now open, so check out the program page on our website to fill out an entry form. We need two copies of your book, please, postmarked by December 1, 2024.
Member News
Andrew Butters releases new novel
Andrew Butters recently released the novel, Known Order Girls. It can be found on Amazon, at Chapters Moncton, and in the Partridge Island Publishing Area 506 Container Village store.
His other books can be found on his website. Andrew spends most of his time interacting with other writers and readers (and posting cat pics) on Facebook.
Peter Clair is reading at James McConnell Regional Library
Peter Clair is having a reading at the James McConnell Regional Library. Find him at 50 Falmouth Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia, on Sept 7, 2024. The reading will take place from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Peter will be reading new material, and also from his novel, Taapoategl and Pallet.
Hannah State’s novel named finalist in 2024 prize for independent fiction.
Hannah State’s second sci-fi novel, Journey to the Dark Galaxy, was named a finalist in the 2024 Whistler Independent Book Awards in the 'fiction' category. This prestigious national award celebrates excellence in Canadian independent publishing and is sponsored by The Writers' Union of Canada. There were hundreds of entries this year. The book was also named a finalist in the 2023 Wishing Shelf Book Awards (UK). Hannah looks forward to participating in the upcoming Whistler Writers Festival in October. You can find her on facebook.
Welcome New Members
Gary Bernard
Gary lives in Riverview and writes essays and poetry. Welcome, Gary!
Alyssa Leigh Briscoe
Alyssa Leigh Briscoe lives in Fredericton and works in several genres: editing, fantasy, Fiction, Romance, Science Fiction, and short stories. Welcome, Alyssa!
Eoin Fraser
Eoin Fraser is a well-travelled military member living in Fredericton. Eoin has been writing poetry since childhood and is working toward publication. Welcome, Eoin!
Jeffrey Little
Jeffrey Little is a returning member who writes fiction, science fiction, and flash/micro fiction under the pen name J.G. Little. Welcome back, Jeffrey!
Christine Lovelace
Christine Lovelace is a writer from Fredericton, and we’re happy to have her as a new member. Welcome, Christine!
Faith Matchett
Faith Matchett writes nonfiction from her home in Fredericton. Welcome, Faith!
Emily Sanford
Emily Sanford is a poet and prose writer whose work has been published widely. She writes in a variety of genres: blogging, corporate writing, creative nonfiction, copywriting, essays, fiction, flash/micro fiction, freelance writing, playwriting, poetry, and short stories. Welcome, Emily!
Nando Speranza
Nando Speranza is a Juno-nominated music producer, musician and former studio owner who lives in Moncton. He writes in the genres of biography, nonfiction and spiritual. Welcome, Nando!
Amber Swan
Amber Swan (pen name A. Swan) is a physician, farmer and writer living Harvey. Amber writes in the genres of children’s, comedy, corporate writing, editing, fiction, playwriting and poetry. Welcome, Amber!
Harold Taylor
Harold Taylor is a nonfiction writer living in Sussex. He is a time management expert and has been writing books and articles on this subject for 50 years, including the Canadian bestseller, Making Time Work for You. Welcome, Harold!
Julie Trites
Julie Trites is a corporate and fiction writer living in Quispamsis. Welcome, Julie!
I hope all of you have also had time to get away this summer. It’s been a wonderful season, and it’s not quite over yet. Remember this sage advice from our own Gerard Collins. “Be unflinchingly truthful. There is no room for kindness in writing. There is only truth.”