News from WFNB

Inkspot 2024 | June Program News

13 Jun 2024 1:27 PM | Anonymous

Program Newsletter

Current and Upcoming Program News

The NB Book Awards

Congratulations to all of the winners and nominees of the 9th annual New Brunswick Book Awards! We are so proud to see your work celebrated at the Atlantic Book Awards and beyond. We really do get to celebrate the cream of the canadian literary crop here in New Brunswick. 

NBReads: Celebrating NB writers all year long.

This year, with the partnership of local independent book stores and input from Les Éloizes and the AAAPNB, we’re so pleased to be able to celebrate the shortlist of the NB Book Awards all year.

The program is starting small, with a campaign to encourage book stores to highlight our NB Reads books with posters, book marks, and a link to our NB Reads information page.

We hope to be able to grow this initiative into a more robust public outreach program with public readings, book reviews and maybe even some book club events. For now, we are excited to take this opportunity to showcase the tremendous literary talent to be found, here at home. 

Feel free to download and share the NB Reads Poster.

Thank you for another wonderful WordSpring!

My second year at the WFNB is highlighted by the experience of joining our community to celebrate, learn together, and break out of our writerly solitude for some much needed time together in the outside world.

I particularly loved the experience of running our first consignment member book and WFNB merch table. From the lovely kids at the Literary Soirée who were starstruck to meet the real authors of the books in my “Teeny Tiny Bookshop,” to all of the members popping in during lunch and between classes to see each other’s work or restock their own (we had more than one sold out title!).

We stocked our shop with some lovely canvas tote bags and our hand thrown custom stoneware mugs too. By WordsFall, we hope to include pre-order WFNB T-shirts and more.

Professional Development and Community Events

Don’t forget to submit info about events in your area.

As we wrap up WordSpring, the NB Book Awards and Literary Soirée, and the Annual General Meeting, we don’t have any announcements about upcoming events or workshops in our inboxes.

Please forward information about any events you’d like us to share with the community, and let us know if there are any great professional development opportunities you think others could benefit from attending.

Call for Submissions

Workers of the Warming World Unite! Poetry Anthology

Deadline: July 31, 2024

Has your job, workplace, industry, or livelihood been affected by changing environmental conditions? We are seeking submissions of up to three poems about work in the age of global warming, written by working people about labour they have done themselves. New and previously unpublished poets welcome! Check our website for more information including upcoming writing workshops.

·  Insider poems by working people who are doing or have done the work they write about,

·  Poems about all kinds of work,

·  Poems by workers from underrepresented groups—especially Indigenous, racialized, migrant, 2SLGBTQ+, disabled, Elders and elderly, women, and non-binary workers,

·  Poems written in any style or form. We welcome writing from new or previously unpublished poets.

Please submit up to 3 previously unpublished poems to by July 31, 2024. Check our website for more information including upcoming writing workshops. 

Until next month,

Have a lovely beginning of summer! I’m excited about everything that is coming up in the next few months and hope to see lots of you at the retreat in August.


What else is New at the WFNB?

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Territorial Acknowledgement

The Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick acknowledges that the land on which we live, work and gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples, and we honour the spirit of our ancestors’ Treaties of Peace and Friendship. 

"Writers' Federation of New Brunswick" is a registered non-profit organization. New Brunswick, Canada. 

© 2021 Writers' Federation of New Brunswick

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