News from WFNB

Inkspot 2024 | May Letter from the Director

13 May 2024 5:30 PM | Anonymous

Hello there, Writers 

We had a wonderful visit with Frances Peck at her workshop on May 8, called “Sentences with Style.” It was useful, practical, and enjoyable. If you missed Frances, we’ll have her back in July to tackle the subject, “Show, don’t Tell,” which is a familiar mantra in our circles, but could use some fleshing out. Then, in September, she’ll present an overview of her experience developing from professor and editor to author, and a Q & A discussion about the publishing biz. Stay tuned!

WordSpring! It’s almost here!

Are you coming? If you haven’t signed up yet, please do soon! Remember that you don’t have to pay for the whole event (even though it will be smashing). There are lots of options to be found on the registration page. We were just checking out the Moncton Press Club today, where we will hold this year’s NB Book Awards. It’s going to be a fun time, so don’t miss it.

The Annual General Meeting will follow WordSpring sometime in June (date to be determined), and this is your second call if you have nominations for the board. The board will request the membership’s vote at the AGM on a minor by-law change. Details to come soon.

Welcome New Members!

DKR Boyd

DKR Boyd is an award-winning author from St. Stephen. He has published more then 25 books for children and is also interested in historical fiction, young adult and ghostwriting. Welcome, David!

Cathy Donaldson

Cathy Donaldson has published features, columns and photography in media outlets ranging from The Boston Globe and CBC Radio to The Halifax Chronicle Herald (SaltWire), The New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal and the Moncton Times & Transcript. She is also a contributor to Cathy also pens the travel blog Destinations by Donaldson. Welcome back, Cathy!

Jeff Houlahan

Jeff Houlahan is an ecologist and conservation biologist, and teaches and researches in these fields at UNB Saint John.  But he is also an author of fiction and thrillers, having published a half dozen short stories in on-line journals, and also signed a three-book deal with Level Best Books for two crime novels already written, and a third to follow. Welcome, Jeff!

Cathy Sterling

Cathy writes from her home in Moncton. Welcome, Cathy!

Manju Varma

Manju Varma writes stories for children and creative nonfiction from her home in Moncton. Welcome, Manju!

Tristis C. Ward

Tristis C. Ward lives, writes and creates in Fredericton NB. Trained in graphic design, she has written several short pieces for anthologies, a children’s book titled The Storm Fairy, a “graphicless” novel, and plays.  She is interested in a wide variety of genres. Welcome, Tristis!

Community Events and News

“The Geographies of DAR” available to stream.

A visually stunning film on acclaimed author David Adams Richards and his connection to one of Canada’s most overlooked yet breathtaking regions, The Geographies of DAR can be streamed free on, and the National Film Board app.

 "... this portrait is not merely that of a writer with a unique journey, but rather of the infinite potential of our humanity."


Contribute to Academic Study on Literary Theory and Archive use.

Alina Ruiz is an archivist at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax NS, and her area of research is in the cross-sectioning of literary theory and archival theory. She is currently researching writers’ use of archives and archival materials for creative writing, and requests that any fiction writer, whatever their preferred genre and whatever stage they are in their careers (published or non-published), would complete an anonymous survey for the following study: 

Study title: Fiction and Archives: Creative Writers as an Archival User Group 

The purpose of this survey is to collect data from authors and creative writers about their experiences interacting with archival material and archival institutions. The goal is to understand if and how creative writers use archives as a source of information or inspiration during the creative process, and to understand any barriers or difficulties writers have when accessing archives. The results of the research will inform archival professionals about potential improvements to services and outreach for non-traditional archives users.    

More information about this study can be found on the information and consent form located on the first page of the survey. 

As a token of appreciation for your participation in this study, you have the option to include your email address in a draw for a $250.00 e-gift card to the bookstore of your choice. Deadline May 26, 2024.

Member News

Hannah State

Author of The Dark Galaxy series and WFNB Member Hannah State, would like to invite you to her book signing at Chapters Fredericton, at the Regent Mall. Hannah will greet you and sign books on Saturday, May 25, from 2 to 4 pm.

I would stay and chat longer, but there’s SO. MUCH. TO. DO.

See you soon,


What else is New at the WFNB?

Territorial Acknowledgement

The Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick acknowledges that the land on which we live, work and gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples, and we honour the spirit of our ancestors’ Treaties of Peace and Friendship. 

"Writers' Federation of New Brunswick" is a registered non-profit organization. New Brunswick, Canada. 

© 2021 Writers' Federation of New Brunswick

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