The prominent literary journals spar, but have little interest in real combat. 

Here, we don’t condone precious, over-edited exercises—we want the great, the torrential, that which levels and then resurrects us.

Nor do we over-publish. Too much dross sees the light of day—we refuse to contribute to the degradation of culture.

In other words, we take submissions on a rolling basis. We have no deadlines or publishing dates. No guidelines or restrictions. Our interaction and correspondence with our writers and artists is an ongoing conversation.

Nietzsche wrote that [t]he worst readers are those who proceed like plundering soldiers: they pick up a few things they can use, soil and confuse the rest, and blaspheme the whole.” If one is to practice reading as an art, one “has almost to be a cow”— rumination is key. One must ruminate on the words as a cow chews on grass—slowly, patiently, thoughtfully. Be like the cow.


For there to be good writers, there must be good readers. And because we respect them—the good reader, viewer, and listener—we publish only what is worth contributing to the discussion.

Send: short stories, poems, nonfiction, paintings, sculptures, 280 character stories (we’ll tweet if selected), music, spoken word. The divisions between these art forms are arbitrary. Blur them.

Send to:

In the meantime, we’re here. We’re reading and listening. And plotting and writing and loving.